I Love Children But……

I Love Children But……

“Sooooo, when are you going to have some kids?” is a question I get more often then I’m thrilled about. “Wha?” (yes, I’m always taken off guard). Do I go into my stance on having kids, laugh it off, or tell them some date in the far off future? In my head, I’m giving my “This question sucks” face, but usually, I just shrug and say “One never knows…” Here’s the thing though. That response is only partially true, because I’m pretty careful about these things and if I were to have a child, it would most likely be planned.  And the really real is, I’ve never had an accidental pregnancy, so it could be that I’m not able to have kids at all. Now don’t you Noisy Nellys feel badly now? HA! Seriously, I have no idea. I have never tried to conceive of anything….but great ideas:-)   Having children has never been a huge priority of mine. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE children. Fiercely. I’m sure due in part to my not having such an ideal childhood, I am very protective of childhood innocence. I know that if I were to have a child, that I’d be all in. I’d want to make all their food from scratch. Home School. Vacations just to learn specific languages. Sports. Dance and music lessons. Art Class. Wood Work. Math camp (yup). All this could make a child extremely happy, or miserable; but I’d be hard pressed to not put every ounce of energy into something that I created…and that’s going to cost me at least $350,000 (before college) to raise. I put my body and bank account...


  At the start of 2015, I went from being a vegetarian (for the last 4 years) to eating a vegan diet. When I tell most people that I have given up meat, fish….and !OMG! cheese, they look at me like I’m crazy, but really, many of those foods were making my body unbalanced which made me feel crazy, at times. And I’m giving myself the “vegan” label because people seem to need silly labels. Will I eat fish again…maybe…but for now, I’m just not into it. Don’t worry, I’m not telling you you must become a vegan too. My stance on life is that adults will do what adults want to do; I’m just giving you the scoop on me and my journey. However, if you consider even taking out just 1 or 2 meals that include meat or dairy a week, I’ve be thrilled. And if you started to write down how the food that you are eating makes you feel, well, I may want to give you a fist bump or high five:-) Meatless Monday is a great place to start. So here’s the deal. My first issue with eating meat wasn’t my love of animals, and people who know me know that I can’t see enough kitty, puppy or bunny pictures. My concerns stemmed from how the animals are treated and what they are feed. I don’t need a dose of antibiotics in my burger (if what we are given nowadays is even really cow) or a serving of mercury in my fish. Unless I know the source of my food, I will most likely give it a side eye....
Welcome to My Life Cleanse Chronicles

Welcome to My Life Cleanse Chronicles

Welcome to my Life Cleanse Chronicles. I’m excited to share with you all the information, tips, trials, errors and lessons that have brought me to this point in my life – one of the most balanced  and harmonic periods that I have ever experienced. Six years ago I lacked a sense of self – I let all my issues become problems instead of treating them as lessons with solutions. My lessons have led me to find that many of the my life style choices aided in my lack of focus and negative perspective. Some were mental, some physical, and others spiritual. I realized through my own personal growth, research, study and the many detox consultations that I have handled over the 4 years since opening my lifestyle brand Juice Hugger LLC., that many of my happiness issues could be linked to life style choices I thought were healthy based on the information I’d grown up on. That information as it turns out, was inaccurate. I have many clients who come into my cafe regularly touting how “healthy” they eat – but most are eating things that are harmful to them without even knowing it. I believe that in many ways, in this country specifically, we are actually trained to fail. The information we are provided, the media that we are exposed to, and the life style that is held up as ideal, is often counter intuitive to the needs and desires that will make us feel whole. Many of us are living in a hamster wheel, constantly running but getting no where. But then, somebody needs to be the “other 99%”....

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